HI THERE I'm Luqman Rahardjo

a self-taught software engineer, based in Bandung, Indonesia
working fulltime for riset.ai

  • 5+Years Experience
  • DevOps
  • SysAdmin

About Me

My main area of work is in the hyper-evolving AI field, specifically Computer Vision. We deliver high-quality software that our clients and partners need in order to improve their businesses and client needs. Which means APIs & SaaS are what makes my hands dirty daily!⚡

I also teach as a guest assistant-lecturer at Institute Teknologi Bandung (ITB). And I gig with my band a few times every year 🎸, and keep active every week by playing futsal! ⚽

Core Skills

  • Python
  • Docker
  • Linux
  • Bash

Other Skills

  • Go
  • Selenium / Web Scraping
  • PostgreSQL
  • ELK Stack
  • HTML / JS / CSS
  • RQ (Redis Queue)
  • Krita
  • Affinity Designer
  • Davinci Resolve

Work Experience

2018 - Present


DevOps/SysAdmin & Full Stack Dev

In this company, my daily duties and responsibilities consists of working with other engineers to write and deploy high-quality codes. Specifically, my role includes:

  • Deploy, monitor, and maintain services and codes for our clients to consume.
  • Develop data pipelines for dataset collection, sentiment analysis, and other pipelines
  • Sustain communication with clients regarding feature requests, bugs, and general technical-related questions
  • Maintain our home datacenter, where we keep our GPU-enabled servers for AI-related tasks
2016 - 2018

Tamatin Entertainment

2D Artist & Game Assets Designer

Before I code, painting and drawing was my main line-of-work, and my education background is in graphic design. Some of the responsibilities I had includes:

  • Coming up with concept designs for a character, world, or any other elements of a game.
  • Create and redesign game assets for use in game engines.

Projects & Works

Media & News Extraction System

Riset.ai's solution for extracting news and articles from epaper and live television. Our solution is perfect for those that want to get as much information about a certain news topic, person, or entity. It can then be further processed by other pipelines or use cases, such as for data analytics, price monitoring, sentiment analysis, market analysis, and much more.


Face Recognition API

Riset.ai’s solution for public safety and individual verification. At the current 92.5% accuracy, FR can be used by immigration authorities, schools & private companies for identity management. AI-based facial recognition can also be an essential tool for authorities and public agencies, to complement public safety and law enforcement efforts.


Teaching at SBM ITB

I am actively assitant-teaching at School of Business and Management (SBM) at ITB. In this class, titled Technology Learning for Entrepreneurship, we teach hands-on coding and tinkering to students. The aim is to get students to get a sense for technology, and how to implement them in businesses.
